

This chronicle is incomplete.

The founders of the association often only vaguely remember the events of that time or cannot be found anymore, and the files are very difficult to obtain. Therefore, I ask all former members to supplement and correct this preliminary version.

Please write your comments directly on the notice board at the alumni meeting on the white sheets or send us old files and private photos, especially from the period between 1971 and 1977. We will send everything back to you upon request. Additionally, we kindly ask you to leave us your current address so that we can contact you again for further association research.

Please also write articles for us, for example, about the founding history of businesses and committees or simply anecdotes about your life in the village and the association at that time. For the 25th anniversary of the association, we are planning a real book about the association, with chronicles, photos, and essays. It would be great if you could contribute to making this book include everything that is worth reading, seeing, and knowing, such as the development of student housing culture in OlyDorf.

Students in the Olympic Center Association
Keyword: Association Chronicle
Helene-Mayer-Ring 9
80809 Munich


1960 The Student Union starts planning a student settlement on the Oberwiesenfeld.
11.1965 The Student Union commissions its architects, Günther Eckert (high-rise and GEZ) and Werner Wirsing (bungalows), to plan the student housing complex on the Oberwiesenfeld. The complex is built and operated by the German Student Union in-house.
31.03.1967 The Free State of Bavaria grants the Student Union the leasehold rights to the plot of land where the current student village is located.
1968 The last airplane takes off from the Oberwiesenfeld.
10.1968 The architects of the Student Union, Günther Eckert and Werner Wirsing, present their preliminary design for a student settlement to the Olympic construction company. The Oly-Dorf, in its present form, is now completed on the drawing board.
07.1969 The construction work for the high-rise and bungalows begins.
06.1970 The construction of the future community center (GEZ) begins as a central restaurant for the Olympic athletes.
16.07.1970 Topping-out ceremony for the high-rise.
15.10.1970 Topping-out ceremony for the flat section (bungalows).
12.1970 Richtfest Männerdorf (heute Oberdorf).
01.05.1971 First move-in of students to the residential complex in Oberwiesenfeld.
08.05.1972 Opening of the U-Bahn station Olympiazentrum
8.26. - 1972.9.11 XX. Olympic Summer Games
11.1972 October 1972: The village residents establish a self-administration organization committee (SOK) as a provisional self-government of the student quarter in the Olympic Village. At their initiative, a room in the GEZ is designated as a daycare center. In the high-rise (A 19), the SOK sets up a cafeteria, which moves to the GEZ as a tea room in May 1975. Wolfgang Friesdorf, G. Jansen, and W. Baumann occupy the first three provisional tutor positions, receiving 420 DM per month.
14.02.1973 General assembly held at the church center (the cafeteria was not usable due to renovation work until one and a half years after the Olympic Games)
01.04.1973 Four tutor positions (later presidents) are established
15.05.1973 General assembly held at the church center with tutor election
Summer 1973 Establishment of the film club
November 1973 The GEZ houses a daycare center, workshop, sewing room, TV rooms, and a photo lab
1974 Establishment of the GEZ committee
06.03.1974 Inauguration of the cafeteria. At the same time, the opening of a student union cafeteria in the adjacent room (now Tutoria), which was closed at the end of 1978
18.03.1974 Opening of the reading room
Spring 1974 First screening of the film club

Opening of the Bierstube

Price Bierstube

Pils 0.33l 1.- DM
Doppelkorn 2cl 0,80 DM
Apfelkorn 4cl 1.- DM
Helles 0,5l 1,10 DM
Bowling on a fully automated bowling alley 6.- DM

And many blue and mood-lowering drinks at affordable prices.

25.06.1974 The Student Union and the association enter into a contract for the operation of a beer tavern with a bowling alley, a discotheque, and shared use of the restrooms in the GEZ
16.07.1974 General assembly held in the cafeteria: Adoption of the first association constitution and election of house representatives - at that time called floor or row representatives
07.11.1974 Registration of the association in the register of associations at the local court. The first chairpersons are Siegfried Schneeweis, Gerhard Ulhorn, Gerhard Einhäuser. Ten tutors - now presidents - are in office.
WS 1974/75 The following committees exist: workshop, GEZ, photo, economy (later finance), rental and hardship committee, nursery, film club

The OlyDisco opens, which includes a youth disco (Saturdays 2-7pm, for ages 14 and up)

Prices for the Olydisco

Admission frei
Helles 0,4l 1,20 DM
Mai 1975 Opening of the Teestube - later Café CO2.
Summer 1977 The Newspaper Working Group plans, in collaboration with the Public Relations Committee, to create a separate newspaper for the Olydorf.
February 1978 The first Oly-Carnival takes place, organized by the Carnival Committee
December 1978 Founding of the Renting and Foreigner Committee (MAA)
End of 1978 The Bierstube storage is converted into a pottery studio
April 1979 The village newspaper is called "dorfbladl"
1982 There are a total of 12 program tutors: International, Film, Photography, Woodworking, Metalworking, Pottery, Sewing Room, Public Relations, Music and Dance, Newcomers, Coordination (..yes, that was only eleven)
09.02.1982 Termination of the Energy Saving and Defects Committee (EMA)
21.09.1984 Establishment of the Pottery Committee
December 1978 The board is renamed to the executive committee, and the chairmen to legal representatives (GVs)
02.02.1984 Gründung des Gartenarbeitskreises (GAK), which is later renamed to Green Area Committee (GRAS) in the winter semester.
March 1984 Opening of the copy shop
September 1987 Foundation of the (highly unofficial) Beer Committee, which aims to protest against the high beer prices in the Bierstube.
02.02.1990 The Public Relations Committee (Öffentlichkeitsausschuss) invites to a Village Press Ball in the Party Room on the occasion of the dorfbladl No. 100.
February 1978 The carnival does not generate any significant profits for the first time: financial decline, cuts in personnel and service areas are the consequences.
Autumn 1999 The OlyDisco is reopened under a new name and is now called U3 Orange Club, with significantly reduced opening days
February 2001 OlympiaLust event featuring a performance by the Spider Murphy Gang, who performed at the OlyDisco in 1979 when they were still unknown
October 2001 U3 Orange Club is renamed back to OlyDisco, the former flagship establishment recovers thanks to great commitment
May 2002 Closure and dissolution of the copy shop
June 2002 Move-out of students from the Olydorf, personal belongings are stored in containers on the parking lot, move-out coordination carried out by the association
June 2002 Preparations for the European Athletics Championships are underway in the Olympic Village. The apartments are partially renovated, and 50 members of the association, as well as those in need, move to the G-area. The athletic village (areas A-F) is surrounded by barbed wire fencing, and security is increased 30 years after the Olympic attack
06.-11.08.2002 The Athletics European Championships take place in Munich, and the athletes reside in the Olympic Village. 50 members of the association are involved in the athlete care.
15.08.2002 Re-entry of students, by September the village is fully occupied again
October 2002 Establishment of Olynet, a company responsible for the administration and maintenance of the Olydorf network
Summer 2002 Great financial crisis of the association: Closure of Café Oly. Cuts for all employees, a joint effort showed success
October 2001 Reopening of the Café Oly under the name CO2 as a committee
04.-07.11.2004 The association celebrates its 30th anniversary under the patronage of the Lord Mayor Christian Ude with numerous guests of honor and former members. The association's honorary award for outstanding achievements in the past five years is awarded for the first time to Norbert Müller-Neubauer
May 2002 Formation of OlyEvent, the company responsible for advertising strategy and coordination for the association, and managing internal and external communications
09.06.-09.07.2006 Germany caught football fever. In cooperation with the ZHS (Central Sports Institute), the association organizes a student mini World Cup and offers a varied supporting program for all football fans in the Olympic Village.
June 2002 Half of the students have to move out of the bungalow village
04.08.2007 A demolition party escalates and leads to the largest police operation in Munich since the 1972 Olympic Games
August 2007 Demolition and subsequent reconstruction of the first 400 out of approximately 800 bungalows. The other half of the students move out
Spring 2008 Demolition of the remaining bungalows
October 2009 The first students can move back into the bungalow village, with another 600 students following in 2010
2010 The OlyLounge/CO2 are relocated to A19 during the renovation phase
2010 Beginning of the renovation of the GEZ
2010 High-rise renovation
WS 2011/12 First edition of the Olympic Village Games
November 2011 The O(n)ly Lounge opens
April 2012 Re-entry of the students into the high-rise
07.01.2016 The O(n)ly is renamed to OlyLounge
17.-18.06.2016 First edition of Copa Connolly
Fall 2016 Start of the core renovation of the hillside buildings
25.07.2017 Formation of the Kicker Committee, which includes the Olydorf Table Football Club (TFC Olydorf)
06.09.2017 Opening of the Memorial Site for the victims of the 1972 Munich Olympics terrorist attack in the Olympic Park above the bungalows
March 2018 Beginning of the renovation of the OlyLounge
April 2018 The first bees arrive in the village. Tammo von Knoblauch launches the beekeeping project "Bees in the Olymp"
20.02.2020 Letzte OlyLust bevor Corona-Semester
März 2020 Beginn der Corona-Semesters und Lockdowns. Betriebe müssten schließen.
März 2022 Corona-Beschränkung wurde aufgehoben und das Dorfleben kam zur Normalität zurück.
13.05.2022 Wiedereröffnung der OlyDisco mit Discoparty.

Erster CopaConnolly seit der Aufhebung der Lockdowns. Der Strand kommt zurück zum Olydorf!

Programme der 50 Jahre Olympische Spiele 1972 in München.

16.-18.02.2023 Nach drei Jahren Pause, findet die Olylust wieder statt.


Development of Rents


Year High-rise building Bungalow Monument bungalow Couple's apartment
1972 120 DM 125 DM 185 DM
1982 174 DM 195 DM 285 DM
1994 312 DM 342 DM 506 DM
2006 245 € 280 € 400 €
2018 320,20 € 319,10 € 339,70 € 596,30 €
358,80 € 352,50 € 373,40 € 660,10 €
368,40 € 362,80 € 384,90 € 679,00 €

Entwicklung der Preise in der Bierstube



Pils 0.33l 1.- DM
Doppelkorn 2cl 0,80 DM
Apfelkorn 4cl 1.- DM
Helles 0,5l 1,10 DM
Bowling on a fully automated bowling alley 6.- DM
Pils 2,90€ (0,33 l)
Helles (vom Fass) 3,40€ (0,5 l) 6,40€ (1,0 l)
Bayrisches Dunkles (vom Fass) 3,50€ (0,5 l) 6,60€ (1,0 l)
Hefeweißbier (vom Fass) 3,50€ (0,5 l) 6,60€ (1,0 l)
Radler 3,40€ (0,5 l) 6,40€ (1,0 l)
Russ 3,50€ (0,5 l) 6,60€ (1,0 l)
Spezi 1,90€ (0,3 l) 2,90€ (0,5 l)
Saftschorle 1,90€ (0,3 l) 2,90€ (0,5 l)
Warme Speisen:
Hähnchenschnitzel (inkl. Pommes) 5,90€
Currywurst (inkl. Pommes) 5,30€
Potato wedges 2,10€
Nachos mit Salsa 2,10€
Nachos mit Salsa und Käse 3,10€



My thanks go to: the founding members Erhard En, Hans Jäger, Helmut Megele, Peter Neugart, Michael Rambaum, and Gerhard Ulhorn, the mentor of the tutors, Rainer Kohmann, Günther Utz and Elisabeth Vogg from the Studentenwerk, the Munich City Archives, the subway department, and Karin Rausch.


Munich, July 2, 1994

Juergen Haux