House Speakers


Each residential area (high-rise A & B, bungalow areas C, D, E, F, G, and stepped buildings H, J, K) is looked after by up to two house representatives. You can always contact your house speaker with questions, suggestions, and other concerns!

House speakers also organize:

  • an area festival once a semester for their area to bring the neighborhood together.
  • einmal im Monat ein Wohnheimfrühstück für alle Bewohner (Unkostenbeitrag für All-You-Can-Eat).
  • a large summer festival (Copaconnolly) in the summer semester or a Christmas market in the winter semester in cooperation with the committees.
  • the plenary meeting at the beginning of each semester.
  • welcoming all newcomers by their area house speakers and one newcomer tour per month.

1. Board
Oliver Steinhaus HJK

2. Board
Maria Thiel

3. Board
Justus Mette
Hochhaus A

Yisun Lee
Hochhaus B

Duc-Anh Nguyen
Hochhaus B

Niklas Ebert

Jannik Metzger

Nithin Balan